What is an Ukrainian apostille?
An apostille in Ukraine, like in other Apostille countries (countries that are parties to the Apostille Convention), certifies the signatures of officials on documents issued by official authorities of Ukraine.
The Ukrainian Apostille is a stamp with the inscription “Apostille” confirming the authenticity of the signature, and therefore the legality and legal force of the document.
In Ukraine, the Apostille entered into force on December 22, 2003. This means that documents issued before 2003 cannot be apostilled.
How to order an apostille for documents obtained in Ukraine without coming to Ukraine? (Order an apostille online). You can contact our legal agency with 18 years of experience. For this, you will need the document itself in the original and payment for our services.
If you have lost the document or do not want to send the documents in the original, you can order a new type of document. For this, you can make a notarial or consular power of attorney for our employee and send it to us by mail or courier.
What does the Ukrainian apostille look like
Photo of Ukrainian Apostille:

The apostille is printed on an A4 sheet on the reverse side of the document or on an additional sheet. The apostille is signed by a responsible official and stamped with a wet seal.
Text of the Ukrainian apostille
Translation into English
(Hague Convention of 5 October 1961)
1. Country: Ukraine
This official document
2. Signed by: ___________________________
3. Acting as: ___________________________
4. Seal/stamp affixed: __________________
5. In: Kyiv
6. Date: __________________
7. By: __________________
8. with № ____________________
9. Seal/stamp
10. Signature: __________
Digitally signed stamp (seal) of the Ministry of Justice.
Digitally signed by the official of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine and contains a visual representation of the signature sample of this person.
Where in Ukraine can you affix an apostille?
Today, an apostille is affixed in three state institutions:
– Ministry of Justice of Ukraine (apostille for documents issued by justice authorities and court documents, such as court decisions or extracts from court decisions, and other documents),
– Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine (apostille for documents issued by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, such as a certificate of no criminal record,
– Ministry of Health of Ukraine (apostille for: certificates of absence of HIV or health certificates for work abroad, documents of legal entities: current extracts about the composition of a legal entity and the size of the authorized capital (excerpts), charters, resolutions, certificates),
– Ministry of Education of Ukraine (apostille for educational documents, such as school certificates and certificates, school statements, diplomas of secondary and higher education, and related documents: analytical program and various confirmations).
Why affix an apostille if there is already the signature of an official and a wet seal on the original document?
The easiest way to check incoming documents in large volumes is to check several authorized signatures of officials affixing an apostille instead of many signatures of employees from all ministries, departments, and state bodies.
To ensure the authenticity and truthfulness of the document, avoid counterfeits, it is necessary to check whether the signature of the official corresponds to samples of his signature.
With such a number of documents and officials, checking all signatures is quite problematic, especially abroad.
For this reason, there is a system of confirming all signatures and stamps by several persons. This will reduce the time for approval of documents. Officials responsible for the Apostille find it easier to check signatures, seals, the documents themselves (their forms and content).
Can I check the apostille online in Ukraine?
Ukrainian apostille can be checked online through the electronic register of apostilles on the website – https://apost ille.minjust.gov.ua/. Apostilles on educational documents can be checked on the website of the Ministry of Education – https://mon.gov.ua/ua/ministerstvo/poslugi/apostil/perevirka-apostilya.
To check the apostille, you need to enter the apostille number and the date it was affixed.